Teacher training and retraining
The following trips were undertaken or planned within the teachers training activities:
- Prof. Vano Litovski was in Southampton in the period from August 08, 2008 to September 01, 2008.
- Mrs Miljana Sokolović was in Madrid in the period from December 02, 2008 to January 04, 2009.
- Prof. Milun Jevtić was in Madrid in the period from June 03, to June 17, 2009.
- Prof. Milunka Damnjanović was in Madrid in the period from June 03, to June 17, 2009.

Prof. Damnjanovi, prof. Bojani and prof. Jevti (left to right)
- Prof. Litovski was in Madrid in the period from June 29, to July 29, 2009 at the Technical University of Madrid within the retraining activities of the Project TEMPUS JEP 41107-2006

On the photo: Prof. Liotvski, Prof. Octavio Nieto and Prof. Bojanić after formal meeting.